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Is your animal lethargic, lacking energy?

Acting strange?

Not behaving like there usual self?

Animal wellness is more then just giving them a home or feeding them. They need physical, emotional , spiritual well being as well.

In their physical needs it is very important to evaluate their diet. It is very important  to know for sure what your animal(s) should be eating, what supplement(s) and how much they should have, and how long they need to be on them.

She uses muscle testing to verify what is the best modalities needed  for each animal(s) for their healing and well being.

Animals are our teachers. They may shows symptoms or behavioral issues that you deal with in order to get you to help them and yourself. They have purpose in your life, to bring you joy, strength , courage, or to resolve issues in your life. Maybe a spiritual guide for you. If you give them a chance, they can take you on an incredible journey of the heart and soul. When you understand your animal(s) well being of the body, mind, and spirit level, you will never look at your animal(s) the same way again.


What do they want from you? To be together, to learn together, to grow together, heart and soul.

Helping people who value a  holistic solution to resolving problems with their dogs, cats and who want better behaved, healthier, happier animals so they can enjoy greater peace of mind, joy, and harmony.

My mission is to empower people through animals to change their lives on a physical, mental, and emotional level with natural animal care. I want to help pet owners become aware of how natural care can help animals to live their best lives possible. Natural care is a wonderful compliment to traditional health care. By taking a natural care, animals are cared for as a whole -body, mind and spirit.

" Animals are windows to our souls and doorways to our spiritual destinies. if you

   will let them into your life and allow them to teach you, you will be better for it "

                                                                Kim Shotola

                     To purchase services, please see purchasing & pricing page. 

Distance Communication w/ photo (60 minute session) $190.00  Custom Flower Essence Consultation w/ photo $25.00 Custom Crystal and Color Therapy w/ photo $25.00
Muscle Testing Consultation w/ photo $25.00
Nutrition/Diet Consultation w/ photo $55.00
Energy Healing w/ photo $75.00
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